Plugin Builtins

Will's WillPlugin class packs in lots of useful functionality to make writing powerful plugins simple. Let's go through it.


Will can remember almost any python object (using dill), even across reboots.

It's as simple as:"my_key", "my_value")
self.load("my_key", "default value")
self.append("my_key", "value")
self.pop("my_key", "value")

You can also save a value temporarily by setting the number of seconds before it expires:"my_key", "my_value", expire=10)

Template rendering

Will includes Jinja for powerful awesome template rendering. To use it, just call self.rendered_template()

self.rendered_template(template_name, context={}, custom_filters=[])

You can use rendered_template() directly in a plugin,

@respond_to("what are the rooms\?")
def list_rooms(self, message):
    """what are the rooms?: List all the rooms I know about."""
    context = {"rooms": self.available_rooms.values(),}
    self.say(rendered_template("rooms.html", context), message=message, html=True)

Or, you can stack it as a decorator.

def homepage_listener(self):
    return {}

A note on TEMPLATE_DIRS - Will automatically includes the following:

Help and documentation

Just include a docstring, and your command will be included in @will help:

class BonjourPlugin(WillPlugin):

    def say_bonjour_will(self, message):
        """bonjour: I know how to say bonjour! In French!"""

Bonjour help

If you've organized your plugins in a module, your plugin's help text will be grouped by module.

Help, will

Access Control

You can restrict certain actions to particular groups, by using will's access control list (ACL) support.


To use ACL, you simply specify ACL groups and the relevant handles in your, then pass acl=[] into any relevant @respond_tos or @hears.

Here's an example with an ops team, and an admin team:


ACL = {
    "ops": ["steven", "levi", "susan"],
    "admins": ["wooh"],

Then, in your listeners:

# Allow the ops and admins groups to stop EC2 instances,
# but only allow admins to terminate the instances.

@respond_to("ec2 instance stop (?P<instance_id>.*)", acl=["ops", "admins"])
def stop_ec2_instance(self, message, instance_id):
    # do AWS stuff

@respond_to("ec2 instance terminate (?P<instance_id>.*)", acl=["admins"])
def terminate_ec2_instance(self, message, instance_id):
    # do AWS stuff

Complex ACL behaviors, simple as that.

Access settings and config

Will takes care of passing in environment variables and config via the settings module. To use it:

HELLO_MESSAGE = "Bonjour from"

or, on the shell:

# note the `WILL_` prefix
export WILL_HELLO_MESSSAGE="Bonjour from the environment"

then, in any plugin:

from will import settings

class BonjourPlugin(WillPlugin):

    def say_bonjour_will(self, message):

You can also mark one or more settings as required for your plugin with the require_settings decorator, and they'll be checked on startup.

from will import settings

class BonjourPlugin(WillPlugin):

    @require_settings("HELLO_MESSAGE", "ANOTHER_SETTING")
    def say_bonjour_will(self, message):

When will starts up, he'll make sure they've been set:

Verify settings

Getting a room's history

Sometimes you'll want to retrieve a room's history. No problem - get the room's object, and the last 20 messages are sitting on analysis.history.

class HistoryPlugin(WillPlugin):

    @respond_to("^get last message")
    def get_history(self, message):
        room = self.get_room_from_message(message)

Parse natural time

Often, it's useful to be able to talk to will about time in natural language. To make that easy, will includes the helper functions built on parsedatetime and natural: self.parse_natural_time and self.to_natural_day_and_time.


self.parse_natural_time(time_string) parses a textual time string, and returns a datetime object.

@respond_to("remind me on (?P<remind_time>.*)")
def remind_me_at(self, message, remind_time=None):
    parsed_time = self.parse_natural_time(remind_time)

Parse natural time


self.to_natural_day_and_time(my_datetime) converts a python datetime into a human-friendly string.

def remind_me_at(self, message, remind_time=None):
    reminders = self.load("reminders")
    for r in reminders:
        natural_time = self.to_natural_day_and_time(r)
        self.say("On %s" % natural_time)

Now you've got the hang of how to write your own plugins - but before you reinvent the wheel, take a look at what plugins are included in will!